Sunday 15 January 2012

Skinny Guys Workout

I know how it is for skinny guys to gain weight and get some decent muscle. It is always an uphill struggle. Well this is how it used to be for me until I learnt the secrets on how to gain muscle. Before I start telling you all the secrets I would like to introduce myself. My name is Adam Gillan, I myself was a skinny guy for years I used to weigh just under 9 stones. I used to go the gym with my mates and whilst they seemed to get bigger and stronger, I was still not being able to put on any mass and looked the same every year. I was getting told by mates just to give up and forget about the gym etc. After hearing all these remarks from my friends and family I was losing hope and didn’t feel like continuing. This was until I met a skinny guy muscle expert called Vince Del Monte. To me this guy is my skinny guy saviour; he helped me to gain over 40 pounds of fat free muscle mass in around two years with his Skinny Guys Workout. I know these results might seem astronomical to you because of all these so called fitness experts that make you believe you can only gain 5 pounds of muscle a year. Well I have found out the truth and today I am going to share it with you.

Currently you can get Vince Del Montes full Skinny Guys Workout program for a reduced price. If you are interested in this then just click the link to check it out.

I have been in the same place like all of you skinny guys and now I believe it is time for a change. I bought this program two years ago and so have many others. But recently I saw that there haven’t been any reviews that actually give you the vital information about the program. This is why I am writing this today to shed some light on how you can use this program to gain muscle in the next couple of months. The first thing to note is that you will need determination, this is the most vital point I can make. Without determination nothing is possible in life, you will need to dig deep and find the really reason why you want to gain muscle. You should start now by asking yourself why you want to gain muscle. My reason to gain muscle was to prove to myself and others that it was possible, to gain confidence, to feel better about myself and to attract the opposite sex.  Once you have got this fundamental down and the self belief in yourself then the program would go in to the scientific stuff and the Skinny Guys Workout

This program will go step by step through how and what hormones affect your body. You really need to read the book that teaches you all this before you step in to the workouts. Hormones can make a dramatic different in a person actually gaining muscle. You may have heard of testosterone, this is one of the most heard hormones in muscle building but no one ever talks about insulin. Insulin after workouts can actually help you gain muscle. More information about these hormones is in the program. Vince Del Monte has given you a step by step Skinny Guys Workout. This workout is for 72 weeks, there is two programs the first one that you will use is the beginner and intermediate and you have completed that then you would use the advanced workouts. One thing I should make clear is that you will have to pay for this program. But you should consider the payment for this program and investment in to your future body. The most benefical thing about paying for this program is that you will get 24/7 support and this alone is worth so much because you know that you will never be going at it all alone. You will always get help from the author, that has just recently achieved his WBFF pro card so you know that his advice will be great for you guys.

A few people have had some complaints about the program, mostly because they have only tired it for a few weeks and just given up this is probably due to them hearing some fake review that told them they will gain 20 pounds of muscle in a month etc. The truth is that the method in this program sues the bulk and cut approach. This was will help skinny guys gain a lot of muscle and there will be some fat gains as well, but these fat gains will be gone once you do the cutting phase. I have used the program personally like I stated above and the only thing I personally didn’t like was the marketing ploys the author used e.g. he gained 40 pounds of muscle in 6 months. Now I know for a fact that he did gain 40 pounds of muscle but what he didn’t say was that he also gained fat and then did a cutting phase to burn decrease his fat levels to reveal all the muscle gains he made. All in all from the gains that I have and many others have made from this program and all the fantastic Skinny Guys Workout, I do know that the program does work and you will be bigger, stronger and much more muscular in the next couple of months. Thanks for reading and I hope that you will take action today. 

The Skinny Guys Workout program is available now on a reduced price so just click the link if you want to check it out.